Jaxe equations syntax

Jaxe has a specific equation editor, to add and change equations. An equation is edited in a text area, while the corresponding image is displayed above in real time. The equation images are saved in a folder called equations_myfile within the folder of the XML file myfile.xml.

This editor does not pretend to be exhaustive. Complex equations can be created with another editor and added in Jaxe with a copy-paste.

Here are some rules to follow in order to make the best use of the editor:

  1. Do not use spaces (they are ignored in the best case).
  2. Write the equation as if it would be interpreted mathematically and a numerical result would be calculated. As a consequence, always specify the operators, even when they should not be displayed.
  3. Use parenthesis to specify the order of the operations if it does not match the mathematical evaluation order.

addition, subtraction
operators '+' and '-''
operator '*', displayed only when two numbers are multiplied
Example: 2*3*sin(1,5*pi) -> 2*3*sin(1,5*pi)
operator '/' (displayed as a fraction) and functions 'slash' and 'fraction'
Example: slash(a;b)/c -> slash(a;b)/c
Example: f(x;y) -> f(x;y)
operator '^'
Example: x^y -> x^y
operator '_'
Example: x_(ab) -> x_(ab)
function 'subsup' with the first term, and the elements to display as subscript and superscript
Example: subsup(A;1;2) -> subsup(A;1;2)
square root
function 'sqrt'
Example: sqrt(x/2) -> sqrt(x/2)
absolute values
function 'abs'
Example: abs(x^3) -> abs(x^3)
power of e
function 'exp'
Example: exp(x^2) -> exp(x^2)
function 'int', with 4 parameters: the function to integrate, the integration variable, and the minimum and maximum bounds
Example: int(f(x);x;0;infty) -> int(f(x);x;0;infini)
sum and product
functions 'sum' and 'prod', with 3 parameters: the function to sum up, and the minimum and maximum bounds
Example: sum(ln(k)/k;k=1;10) -> sum(ln(k)/k;k=1;10)
function 'matrix', with the lines as parameter as a function 'line'
Example: matrix(line(1;2;3);line(4;5;6)) -> matrix(ligne(1;2;3);ligne(4;5;6))
Greek letters
variables with the letter name, with an uppercase to the first character of the name to get an uppercase Greek letter
Example: alpha*Delta*thetasym*upsih*piv -> alpha*Delta*thetasym*upsih*piv
special characters
variable with the name of the special character
Example: M_sun+planck<infin -> M_sun+planck<infin
special operators
special code with no space
Example: foralla existsb c<<d~=e>=d!=f -> foralla existsb c<<d~=e>=d!=f
function 'accent' with the letter and the accent to add above
Example: accent(AB;->)+accent(ABC;hat)+accent(x;bar) -> accent(AB;->)+accent(ABC;hat)+accent(x;bar)
time derivatives
function 'timed' with the variable and the number of dots to display above
Exemple: timed(theta;2) -> timed(theta;2)
scalar product
function 'scalarp' with the two vectors as parameters
Exemple: scalarp(accent(AB;->);accent(CD;->)) -> scalarp(accent(AB;->);accent(CD;->))
functions with no parenthesis
some functions are displayed without parenthesis when they have a single parameter with a variable
Example: sin(a)*sin(b) -> sin(a)*sin(b)
equation system
function 'system', with the lines as parameters
Example: system(x+y=2;x-2*y=3) -> system(x+y=2;x-2*y=3)
function 'unit', with the unit as the second parameter
Example: unit(1;m)/unit(2;s)=unit(1/2;m*s^(-1)) ->unit(1;m)/unit(2;s)=unit(1/2;m*s^(-1))
function 'fact'
Example: fact(x) -> x!